Gareth Chandler
Gareth Chandler

Please contact yogataichishiatsu@gmail.com if you are interested in online tuition or classes.

Yoga is a union between mind, body and spirit. A stilling of mind chatter, allowing us to become closer to our true self.
The dynamic practise of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a flowing sequence of postures that can increase strength, stamina, flexibility and balance. Promoting calmness, focus, and relaxation as we learn the series and develop an appropriate regular practise to enhance our lifestyle.
By gaining an understanding of the breath, the placement of hands and feet (foundation) and bandha (the internal connection) finding function and form. With looking places (dristhis), transitions (counted vinyasas) between the asanas (postures), the practise can ultimately become a meditation in motion.
"Astanga Yoga is like Tai Chi on your hands"

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient martial art, with roots in Taoist philosophy. Practiced to nourish and rejuvenate the mind body and spirit.
Correct use of the body minimises the taking on of stress whilst releasing stored tension, the continual flowing circular movements encourage the flow of life-force energy.
Improved health, posture, energy, strength, balance, flexibility, circulation, breathing, stamina, co-ordination, relaxation, awareness, self confidence are some of the many benefits that can be gained from this internal martial art.
The slow, safe and gentle movements and accessibility for all levels, Tai Chi is highly regarded as the perfect antidote to a busy lifestyle.

Shiatsu literally means 'finger pressure' in Japanese and is the modern, generic name used for an ancient method of regenerating the body's natural processes to prevent and cure illness, maintain robust health and promote longevity. Thus Shiatsu treatments build up the immune system and natural healing capacity that is within each individual.
Through touch, pressure, stretching and counselling, it induces deep relaxation in the body's tissues and the mind, which helps the immune/health systems to function properly. Simple muscle elongation and breathing exercises, along with advice on healthy living, further help recipients to take more responsibility for their own health management.
The pressure techniques behind Shiatsu area applied skilfully with the palms, thumbs fingers, elbows knees and feet to effectively loosen up, release and transform. Thus the recipient initially learns how to relax and let go, which often results in a feeling of warmth and calmness after only the first session.
Although Shiatsu in trained hands is very effective, it is not a miracle cure and incurs much effort and training. During a course of treatments, the recipients can release deep-seated tensions and anxieties, as well as toxins that have built up over a number of years, after which a transformation towards better overall health usually takes place.
The benefits and applications are many, from preventative to curative. The build up of stress is a major cause of ill health. Once this is eliminated. the body's innate healing power takes over. Through relaxation and stress release, Shiatsu has been used to relieve such conditions diagnosed as asthma, migraine, bronchial chest complaints, high blood pressure, rheumatic or arthritic conditions, back pains, spinal curvature, sciatica and hyperactivity.
Shiatsu is for anyone in any condition, it benefits the housewife who needs to relax, the child who needs to forget exams, the tuned athlete who wants to chill out thoroughly, or the healthy individual who just needs to rest and let go of a few things
Treatment is on an individual basis in a warm, comfortable room and usually at floor level. During the session the recipient should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and feel free to discuss anything. Confidentiality in all areas is considered a prerequisite.
"Shiatsu is like having Yoga done for you"
For more information or to book a treatment please e-mail yogataichishiatsu@gmail.com

About Gareth
Gareth began Taichi in 1998 at the Devon House dojo in Chelmsford, Essex. After many years previously weight training and working in the construction industry he had developed a muscular but somewhat stressed mind and body. He spent many evenings and weekends practising and studying with Mick Powell. Starting with a once a week session of Taiji Chuan and therapeutic exercise, then one by one adding Okinawan Te, Shiatsu bodywork and Shotokan Karate. The preparatory warm up/cool down for these arts included stretches resembling Yoga postures and when Mick began sharing his Astanga Vinyasa practise, Gareth knew this was the way forward.
In the many years spent training at Shinte-do, Gareth not only achieved a Dan grade in martial arts, a Taichi teaching qualification and certification to practise Shiatsu massage, he has gained a healthier lifestyle, happiness, direction and the concept of relaxing, releasing and letting go.
He has since furthered his studies with:-
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute, Mysore India
Led classes in London with Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, Sri. R Sharath and Saraswati.
Mysore style practise, pranayama, chanting with Manju Jois
John and Lucy Scott . Cornwall, Uk
Anatomy, observation and adjustment with David Keil.
Mysore style classes in Koh Samui at Yoga Thailand,
Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training, 'The Modified Primary Series' and 'The Rocket' with Larry Shultz, It's Yoga, San Francisco.
British Wheel of Yoga foundation course with Jeremy Jones.
Yoga and Pilates with Jenny Sherwood
Denise Martin Harker, Aware Yoga
Yoga Sutras with Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati
Workshops with David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, David Swenson, Danny Paradise, Simon Low ......
Tai Chi tuition from Master L.S. Chng
From gentle to dynamic, restorative to transformative, Gareth has something to offer everyone.
For further information or to make a booking please e-mail yogataichishiatsu@gmail.com